Friday, September 3, 2010

National Sewing Month

Janu: I needed a break from Sangre and Mei.
So Mistress and I spent some time together,
and I got three new outfits!!
Mistress made everything except the stockings!
I like the cool buttons she found!
I can wear this one all year long!

This next one reminds me of
Japanese Street Fashion!
I love the wild colors!
Okay, we saved the best (and hardest) for last!
Check out my new Lolita Dress!
It even has a zipper in the back!
Mistress has something special in store for Sangre.
Then Mei will get her first dress for Mabon!

Happy National Sewing Month!!


Morticia's Mansion said...

wow NICE! your realy getting good with the sewing machine!!!

Steph said...

Thanks! Too afraid to use the new sewing machine though. Mom's old heavy Kenmore still rocks. Next attempt, pockets!