Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Janu's New Dress

Janu: Mistress made me a dress!! WOW!!

It's the first time she's sewn something for me!
I saw her cut out the pattern and the fabric!

She made it with her mom's sewing machine!
She hasn't used it in years, but she it did for me!
I absolutely love it! Isn't it beautiful?!!

I'm going to wear it for the Samhain Ball!

I'm so excited!

The back is really pretty too!

I know she had a rough time making
the pattern design look even.
Wait until Sangre sees me in this!
Thank you Mistress!!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Sangre: It wasn't very funny Mi Cielo!

Janu: Sangre, don't be mad.
I know you're not dead.

Sangre: I'm a Vampire! Technically, we're undead!
Janu: Okay, I get it. I apologize.
I didn't mean to be insensitive.

Janu: Let me make it up to you.
I got us these really cool hats for the season.
Let's try them on.

Janu: What do you think? Pretty cool huh?
You know, that hat makes you look super sexy!!

Sangre: And in my eyes,
you are the most beautiful witch in the world.