Sunday, February 1, 2009

Salsa Lessons (Part 2)

Sangre: "Move on the first three beats mi cielo,
and pause on the forth."
Janu: "Okay, I think I've got it.
This is harder than it looks."

Sangre: "No, you're doing great!
You catch on quickly."

Sangre: "Okay, here is the turn! Ready?"
Janu: "Oh this is so exciting!"
Sangre: "Muy Bien!"
Janu: "How do you say,
Thank You in Vampire?"
Sangre: (chuckles lightly)
"It's Spanish not Vampire."
Janu: "I don't know.
I'm feeling hypnotized or something.
You must be using a power on me."

Sangre: You are the witch mi cielo, not I.
It is you who have me enchanted! Is it a spell?"
Janu: "No, but I'm feeling something
very powerful and special!"