Thursday, April 9, 2009

Trip to Miss Judi's (Part 3)

Morticia: Janu tells me that you play guitar.
Sangre: Si. I play several instruments.

Morticia: Really? That's fascinating!
Sangre: I have a knack for music and art.

Janu: Why don't you play her something Sangre.
You're really good.
Sangre: Okay mi cielo. If that is your wish...

Sangre Sings: Trista Pena
(Hoy para vivir
amor confundi
y no sabe llorar
hoy manana vivir
no sabes confundir
un amor de verdad
pero ya lo siento ya)

Morticia: Oh how sad and such deep emotion.
You were right Janu.
He's brilliant! very talented.
Janu: You have NO idea (smirks).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Trip to Miss Judi's (Part 2)

Morticia: Really, it's quite refreshing
to talk to someone about dispelling
the Christian fundamentalist
misinformation about Wiccans and Buddhists.

Morticia: I'm quite interested in
your thoughts on the subject Janu.

Janu: Well, Wiccans are portrayed as
baby-blood drinking Satanists,
and Buddhists as life-rejecting and self-obsessed.
It will be difficult if not impossible to dispell
this persistant mainstream stereotype
derived from Christian fundamentalist propaganda.
Sangre: Wow! You're really smart Janu, well said!
Janu: Shhh, I'm on a roll here!

Morticia: And what do you think Sangre?
Sangre: Speaking as a Vampire,
I resent the whole baby-blood drinking thing.
Morticia: I'm beginning to really like you two.

Trip to Miss Judi's (Part 1)

Sangre: March was such a blur.
I can't believe it's April.
Janu: Yeah. It really flew by didn't it?

Sangre: I'm looking forward to
something exciting to happen soon.

Janu: Funny you should mention that!
Mistress is planning a trip to see Miss Judi.
You'll like her.
And I overheard them talking about girl named Morticia!
Sangre: Now that's the kind of exciting news
I've been waiting for mi cielo!
Janu: I just know it will be fun.
I wonder what this Morticia girl will be like?