Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Trip to Miss Judi's (Part 2)

Morticia: Really, it's quite refreshing
to talk to someone about dispelling
the Christian fundamentalist
misinformation about Wiccans and Buddhists.

Morticia: I'm quite interested in
your thoughts on the subject Janu.

Janu: Well, Wiccans are portrayed as
baby-blood drinking Satanists,
and Buddhists as life-rejecting and self-obsessed.
It will be difficult if not impossible to dispell
this persistant mainstream stereotype
derived from Christian fundamentalist propaganda.
Sangre: Wow! You're really smart Janu, well said!
Janu: Shhh, I'm on a roll here!

Morticia: And what do you think Sangre?
Sangre: Speaking as a Vampire,
I resent the whole baby-blood drinking thing.
Morticia: I'm beginning to really like you two.

1 comment:

Judith said...

LOL thats PERFECT!!!!