Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mei Day

Mei: She forgot me Mrs. ButterBonnet.
I mean,
it's been months since we've posted.

And yeah,
I get she's been busy with stuff. 
But we didn't even celebrate
Valentine's Day or even Easter!
I missed all that candy....

 And now it's MY BIRTHDAY!
(sniff, sniff) I just know

Mistress: Mei sweetie,
I'm so sorry it's been too busy to post,
but I could never forget you.

Happy Birthday Mei! 
Here's a little present for you!

Janu and Sangre: Happy Birthday Mei! 
We love you!!

Mei: Thank you so much!! You Guys Rock! 
 But I KNEW Mistress loved me best!!

Note to readers: Mei's birthday is actually May 1st!
I'm sure she didn't mind celebrating a day early.