Wednesday, August 1, 2012

So close Micheal

Janu: Okay this should be great! 
Micheal Phelps is going to win!
Sangre: We'll see mi cielo.

Sangre: GO! GO! GO!
Janu: He's got it! HE'S GOT IT!!

Janu: Oh my gosh! 
This is going to be close!

Mei: What the heck just happened!
Sangre: He did his best Mei. 
He can't win them all.
Janu: Oh well, he did get the Silver.

Mei: I think it's Janu's fault!
Janu: Me?!!  How is it MY fault?
Mei: Well, you're the one wearing
a t-shirt from Aruba instead of USA.

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