Monday, October 29, 2012

Come Sit for a Spell!

Mei: Mistress found us some great chairs
dirt cheap at a yard sale!

Oh and she found a new friend for me too!

These two are made of metal!
Heavy suckers,
but the details are beautiful.

Next she found this great bench. 
I'll just sit here awhile
until the storm blows over.

Janu: Mistress also found these chairs
at the craft store. 
They are the perfect size.

Hope you find something wonderful
to make your Halloween special!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Gabby Goes Gold!

Mei: You're not really going to
take my Nintendo are you?

Sangre: You know Mei. 
You shouldn't make a bet you can't keep.
Mei: But it was a sure thing. 

Janu: Shhh.
Looks like Gabby has this all wrapped up! 

Janu: This is such a historic moment! 
I'm so proud of her!
Mei: Yippie Gabby! 
You're going to get the Gold!

Sangre: The National Anthem
sounds so sweet!  Great job Gabby!
Mei: So you're keeping the Nintendo Janu?
Janu: Give it a rest Mei!

Wanna Bet

Mei: Hey Janu, wanna make a bet?
Janu: What kind of bet?

Mei: Let's bet on the next race.
If you're guy Phelps wins,
you give me your laptop.
And if Lochne wins,
I'll give you my Nintendo DSI.

Janu: Are you sure about this?
Mei: (head nods yes)
Janu: Okay, you're on!
Mei: (snicker) SUCKER!!

Sangre: This is going to be so close...

Announcer: And it's Gold for Phelps!

Sangre: USA!! USA!!
Janu: Way to go Micheal!!
Mei: This sucks!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

So close Micheal

Janu: Okay this should be great! 
Micheal Phelps is going to win!
Sangre: We'll see mi cielo.

Sangre: GO! GO! GO!
Janu: He's got it! HE'S GOT IT!!

Janu: Oh my gosh! 
This is going to be close!

Mei: What the heck just happened!
Sangre: He did his best Mei. 
He can't win them all.
Janu: Oh well, he did get the Silver.

Mei: I think it's Janu's fault!
Janu: Me?!!  How is it MY fault?
Mei: Well, you're the one wearing
a t-shirt from Aruba instead of USA.

Watching the Olympics

Janu:  I love watching the Olympics!
Sangre: Yeah it's really exciting!
Janu:  I remember watching
the games in Beijing.
I can't believe
it's been 4 years already!

Mei: "Quite down you two!
I'm trying to watch this."

Sangre:  Women's gymnastics
is so beautiful to watch!
Janu: They're strong and graceful!

Mei: Humph, I could do that!
Janu: "Yeah right!! 
Maybe once before you'd break something!

Together:  YEAH GO USA!! 
That's will win them the GOLD for sure!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Whole New World

Janu: "Mei?!  Sangre?! 
I just love our new place!
All the trees, grass,'s wonderful"

 Janu: "Mei!  Mei, where are you? 
This place is so big,
I hope she didn't get lost.

 Sangre: "This place feels magical!
It's nice to be so close to nature."

 " It's a great place for a fresh start."
 Mei: "Ok, this place checks out!
I really like it."

"Now, since this place is so big...
can you tell me...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!

Sangre: Happy New Year!

 Today we're celebrating
Chinese New Year!
Me encanto!

2012 is The Year of The Dragon!
A dragon year is exciting! 
This promises to be very prosperous year!!

 The dragon also means a year of
innovative ideas and big projects!

So Mira! CONYO!!
If EVER there was a time to get a good hair cut,

Friday, January 13, 2012

Magic Words

Mei: I don't know Janu,
You haven't been practicing lately.
Maybe this one is too much for you.

Janu: No, No, I can do it! 
I just need to focus!

Mei: How about letting me
say the words this time.

Janu: Okay, let's see what you got.

 Mei: Abracadabra!
Hocus Pocus!!
Presto Chango!!!
Mei: Wow...
You really suck at this Janu!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Cauldron

Mei: Come on Janu! 
You promised I could help this time!

Janu: Oh alright! 
You sure you're ready?
Mei: Yeah let's do this!

Janu: Okay,
I just need you to concentrate on the spell.

Janu: Cauldron listen to our plea,
Bring us fire! So mote it be!

Mei: I hate to tell you this,
but nothing happened.

Janu: Maybe that was the wrong spell.
Mei: Maybe you're out of practice.
Janu: Shhh!  Let's try it again...

Monday, January 2, 2012

More Thoughts for 2012

Mistress: Okay Janu, your turn.
Any resolutions for 2012?

Janu: Well you know,
you've been a bit of a slacker regarding my blog!
So let's try to check in more often.

Mistress: Hmmm. 
Sounds more like a resolution for me than you!
Janu: No pressure!

Mistress: How about you Sangre'?

Sangre': Yo?  Estoy contento. 
Pero, I do have one request?
Mistress: Okay, let's hear it.

Sangre': Por Favor! 
I really need a hair cut!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mei Welcomes 2012

Mei: Okay 2012, listen up!
I'm sure you know from
all the cheering last night
that we're glad you're finally here.
2011 was very rough on us,
 so I expect you to cut us some slack
and bring us good fortune! 

I mean it!
This is your only warning!