Thursday, July 4, 2013

Red, White, Janu and Mei too!

Mistress:  For the 4th of July celebrations,
I made a dress for Mei and Jacket for Janu. 
Sewing the clothing was easy.
Getting them to sit still for this picture
was an epic pain!
Oh well,  Happy Independence Day!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mei Day

Mei: She forgot me Mrs. ButterBonnet.
I mean,
it's been months since we've posted.

And yeah,
I get she's been busy with stuff. 
But we didn't even celebrate
Valentine's Day or even Easter!
I missed all that candy....

 And now it's MY BIRTHDAY!
(sniff, sniff) I just know

Mistress: Mei sweetie,
I'm so sorry it's been too busy to post,
but I could never forget you.

Happy Birthday Mei! 
Here's a little present for you!

Janu and Sangre: Happy Birthday Mei! 
We love you!!

Mei: Thank you so much!! You Guys Rock! 
 But I KNEW Mistress loved me best!!

Note to readers: Mei's birthday is actually May 1st!
I'm sure she didn't mind celebrating a day early.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Year In Review

Mei: Hi Folks!
It's me with the 2012 year in review.
Yeah I know this post is a little late,
but atleast we got it to you in January.
2012 took my warning to heart. 
As a result, we had a good year overall.
There were more post, new adventures,
and Sangre finally got that haircut.
Oh my gosh, there's just so much that went on!
We moved.
Watched the Olympics. 
Got new chairs. 
Got a few new clothes.

Oh yeah,
Mistress Married Te Amo.
Gotta give them a shout out.

You might have noticed that
I'm sitting in a really neat chair.

It's part of a set Mistress found for us.
She said she's going to paint it,
but we all know she can be a bit of a slacker.
So that's it.  2012 was pretty good.
2013, you've got a lot to live up to.
So You Better Deliver!
See ya!