Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Karate Kid

Sangre: "Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand.
Breathe in through nose, out the mouth."
Sangre: "Wax on, wax off.
Don't forget to breathe, very important."

Mistress: Yes, well as you can see Sangre has gotten
a little carried away with the new outfit I made for him.

Mistress: I made the jacket, belt, and pants.

Sangre: "It is said a Shaolin Priest can walk through walls.
I must meditate on this..."
Mistress: Oh Goddess, I've created a monster!
Or a Martial Arts Master?

Mistress: And yes, I know there is a difference between
Karate and Kung Fu
Japanese and Chinese Martial Arts
But the fabric was too stunning to resist mixing cultures!

Mistress: But isn't he just adorable! It's my best work yet!
Sangre: Thank you Mistress!
Mistress: Is that the song Kung Fu Fighting
I hear playing in the background?!

Friday, September 3, 2010

National Sewing Month

Janu: I needed a break from Sangre and Mei.
So Mistress and I spent some time together,
and I got three new outfits!!
Mistress made everything except the stockings!
I like the cool buttons she found!
I can wear this one all year long!

This next one reminds me of
Japanese Street Fashion!
I love the wild colors!
Okay, we saved the best (and hardest) for last!
Check out my new Lolita Dress!
It even has a zipper in the back!
Mistress has something special in store for Sangre.
Then Mei will get her first dress for Mabon!

Happy National Sewing Month!!